Points of Pride.
Below are some of the projects and organizations we have supported.

World of Business
I have always believed that I will need to use my strong moral compass to guide any team; however, I now realize that decisions I thought were morally correct might be economically inefficient and harmful to profits or the economy. In the game about minimum wage, I wanted to leave everyone on my team and provide them with equally high wages, not realizing that would hurt morale. I imagined a world in which that issue would have one clear solution, but this course showed that I need to consider ideas that directly contradict my own before making decisions. While I deeply value my ability to hold nuanced and contrasting ideas in my mind simultaneously, I realized as a business leader, I still will have to make a single clear decision and strongly support it.”
World of Business Instructor on Scarcity (Missing Chairs) Game
“[W]hat struck me about the chairs game is that it reveals the deep institution of property rights that we take for granted. We assume that certain resources will be available to us, and when they’re suddenly removed—like the chairs in the classroom—it disrupts our expectations and highlights the stability we usually enjoy. Without secure property rights, people can’t reliably plan for the future, build businesses, or trust in the fruit of their efforts. The chairs game is like lifting a veil; we see the everyday security of our rights in a new light. As students are confused, annoyed, and struggle to understand what happened to ‘their’ chairs, they’re feeling—if only for a moment—the vulnerability that others live with daily.”

de Soto Capital Markets Program
Read more about our partnership with Hernando de Soto, Dr. Chris Leach, and the Leeds School of Business to create the de Soto Capital Markets Program. Through the innovative curriculum created by Dr. Leach, the de Soto Capital Markets program has impacted over 11,000 and continues to generate innovative, engaging curriculum.
Students Impacted
Hernando de Soto Capital Markets Program
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado, Boulder
Under the stewardship and guidance of Professor Chris Leach, the Foundation supported the creation of the Hernando de Soto Capital Markets Program. HdSCMP successfully redesigned the required course for Leeds freshmen, World of Business. The course has been incredibly successful and has impacted over 12,000 students including those within and outside of Leeds. Boston University's Questrom School of Business, Clemson, the University of Kansas, Wichita State, and others have successfully adopted the World of Business course and its iterations at the graduate level.
The World of Business course provides an overview of business in a global economy. In addition to exploring the economic, governmental, social, and environmental context in which businesses operate, students discover how business creates value and takes advantage of opportunities and challenges. Using gamified content, examples, cases, and projects, students learn about business functions in an integrated format. Weekly discussions of current events focus on entrepreneurship, ethics, international business, business and society, and other topics.